金秋十月,万物丰收,爱情也到了丰收的季节,这不,今天就是谢娜和张杰收获爱情的大喜之日,他们将在云南香格里拉举办一场“美艳”的婚礼,以此正式为两人四年的爱情长跑画上圆满句号。仪式将由何炅主持,随后,新人将乘坐汽艇游属都湖,紧接着,嘉宾进行自助午宴。而他们的婚房则为一藏式独栋小楼,坐落在几十米高的山崖之上。让我们一起祝福这对新人,并借此良机,一起来学习一下,如何正确佩戴 婚戒吧! How to wear wedding rings? 婚戒,你戴对了吗? 1.In many countries, the wedding rings are worn on the left ring finger. The left ring finger is said to have a vein that goes straight to the heart. That’s why people tend to wear their wedding rings on this finger. 在许多国家, 婚戒都是戴在左手无名指上的。据说,无名指上有一根血管是直通心脏的,所以大家都爱把 婚戒戴在无名指上。 2.In some countries, the left hand is bad luck because the Latin word for “left” means “sinister”。 In these cases they wear the ring on the right ring finger. 有一些国家认为左手是恶运之手,因为在拉丁语中,左边有凶兆邪恶的意思。因此,在这些国家,最好把 婚戒戴在右手无名指上。 3.If you’re not sure what the tradition is in your country and you don’t have anyone to ask, try looking at people’s hands in public and see which finger is common to wear the wedding ring. 如果你不确定你的国家有什么特别传统,你也不知道找谁去问,那么就试着在公开场合观察别人都是怎么戴 婚戒的吧。 4.If you would also like to wear your engagement ring, it’s customary to wear the wedding ring first and then place the engagement ring after. That way the wedding ring is closer to your heart. 如果你还想把订 婚戒指也戴上的话,那就先戴结 婚戒指,再戴订 婚戒指,这样结 婚戒指就更靠近你的心脏了。