据一贯给说唱明星设计珠宝的I.F. & Co.公司透露,他们最近接到了一个来自“流行之王”迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的定单。 这份定单,已经提前全额支付。其中包括一具18克拉的黄金胸针,同时镶满了宝石和钻石,重达120克。根据设计,胸针上方是皇冠,中间是“MJ”两个字母的大写。
这是第一份杰克逊定制的,并已经送到杰克逊手中的饰品。他同时还定制了一条和这个胸针类似的宝石皮带,但颜色不同。此外,定单里还有定了好些其它珠宝饰物,但制作上很困难,需要花很长时间才能成型。  the wax mold....  work in progress....  what we delivered to the KING of pop (click on image to see in full size, it's bigger than the other pics)  the blue pops out even more now since we rhodiumed it.... f.y.i. there is no photoshopping done to this pic outside sharpening and cropping. this is with zero flash or light.... here's a pic with FLASH! BLING! GLEEEEEEEEEM!  but I swear to god nothing we have ever made shined this hard. Posted by BEN BALLER at 5:15 PM